AGM April 2024
The next AGM will be held at Geilston Hall on Friday 12th April. Any agenda items please send to the secretary. All positions are open, but the current incumbents of chairman, treasurer, secretary, and records officer are willing to continue for another year, but if anybody would like to put their name forward for these, or for these please inform the secretary.
The positions of treasurer and secretary are the most involved. We would welcome volunteers to act as deputies to learn what is involved for these two.
Also, we need a volunteer to act as Media Officer, to look after the website and (if they wish) the Facebook group.
AGM February 2022
The next AGM will take place at Geilston Hall on Friday 4th February, at the beginning of the normal evening’s shooting session.
AGM June 2019
Present: Dennis Watson, Anna Watson, Alun ap Rhisiart, Reise Watson, George Shaw, David Robinson, Zack Robinson
Apologies: Marion & Duncan Robinson, Sandy Johnston
Secretary: The minutes of the 2018 AGM
Treasurer’s report: there was a slight profit over the year, although it was noted that on a number of weeks during the year only 2-3 people turned up. Money was spent on equipment, and on the website.
Any Other Business
Committee voted to reimburse Alun £215 out of the Coaching Fund.
Reise suggests a weekly poll should be added to the Facebook closed group so that people can say in advance whether they are able to make it that week. This is to prevent people from coming to unlock the hall and find that nobody turns up. Reise says he will show how this is to be set up.
Alun asked for suggestions for pages on the website. David suggests detailing the beginner
Alun says that rather than fixed and infrequent dates for beginners courses he is willing to start people off as soon as they express an interest (after an initial come-and-try). This has the twin benefits of keeping the numbers down for any one
There was a discussion about shooting outdoors. Geilston Gardens were approached but are too expensive. George gave information about shooting at Argyll Field Archers. It appears that the Neptune archery club has folded. Suggested that we might approach Helensburgh Rugby Club to enquire how much it would cost to take over that slot.
Anna mentioned that there was free advertising available in local papers for non-for-profit sports clubs. Alun said he would look into getting an advertisement placed for us.
Election of Officers
Zach came close to being elected Chairman but was saved at the last minute. The current Chairmain, Treasurer, and Secretary were confirmed as continuing for another year.
The next meeting will be held at a suitable date next June.